Welcome to the South Australian croquet community!
Croquet SA would like to welcome you as a new player, member of a club and of the South Australian Croquet Association. By joining your local croquet club you have become part of an Australia wide sporting body of around 9000 members. Your Club is a member of the South Australian Croquet Association Inc. (Croquet SA), which is affiliated with the national body the Australian Croquet Association. Croquet SA has representation on the national Board.
We encourage you to take advantage of your membership and be involved!
Join our mailing list to receive information about events coming up. Email website@sacroquet.com.au to be added to the list.
What does affiliation provide for your club and for you!
- you are part of a great social atmosphere on and off the courts,
- you receive a monthly newsletter of croquet news in SA (distributed via the online mailing list),
- a calendar of events at sacroquet.com.au for croquet games and tournaments all over SA,
- access to coaching from accredited coaches to improve your game, or become a coach yourself,
- opportunities to learn the rules and become a referee,
- a pathway for players wishing to develop their game to elite level via our development squads,
- the opportunity to represent South Australia in national events and represent Australia in international events,
- provision of Public Liability insurance cover for club members, visitors, workers and personal accident insurance (any incident or accident should be reported to your club as soon as possible),
- Croquet SA organises and runs state, national and international events for the benefit of all SA croquet players, and provides clubs in SA with an efficient structure to manage the sport,
- Croquet SA promotes croquet in the community at club and at state level and provides help to clubs to promote croquet. Help with funding applications is provided.
- Croquet SA oversees and manages the development of Association Croquet and Golf Croquet in clubs, the community and in schools,
- Croquet SA encourages clubs to become members of StarClub (through the Office for Recreation and Sport) for help with planning and management within clubs,
- Croquet SA liaises with Government and non-government agencies and the national body on all matters relevant to croquet and its development and ongoing growth,
- Croquet SA provides guidance and assistance to clubs with regard to increasing and maintaining membership.
The Board Members who develop and implement the above are also members of various clubs in SA who volunteer their time and expertise over and above their club commitments to deliver our core programs and manage croquet in South Australia.
If you would like to join a committee and support croquet in SA please contact the President – president@sacroquet.com.au
Not a member? Contact your nearest club to join – Clubs in SA